Nurgle chaos lord...again...

Publié le par illusionrip

some slow step on this one

i'm working on another project and can only dedicated few hours in a month to this sweet fat lord


front legs are done, always using glazing technics...took much time but worth it....

i change the tones of the piece of metal where the fly is...before it was too much eye catching, now it's more green so more in harmony with colors around.


general flesh on the back is done, just missing the details: scares and spots

work more on the tunique, and try to get a luminous effect using zenithal and different colors in my highlights and shading, but not a drop of white.


i had to resculpt the point of the khorne because one my friend broke it (no no not you lukasz :D )




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j'adore ce que t'as fais sur le protège poigné. Très juste et coloré! beau boulot!
I hate you now...<br /> ;-)
<br /> <br /> you are not the only one :D<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Few hours a month is still more fun than I am having here recently... ;)
<br /> <br /> few hours a months is just for this one <br /> <br /> <br /> i'm working on something bigger 1/2 hour per day <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />