Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene

Publié le par illusionrip

i felt in love with this mini at first sight....

during the years i painted 3 times this mini, but i decided to redo one (may be not the last, the color scheme is ready for the next one ^^)...

of course the scene take place in an old space hulk ...

plasticard, green stuff, and a piece of a tank, and that's it !!!

Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene

i would like to have something "spacy", that why i tried to represent a piece of deep space behind the captain...

i decide to bend the draw to give a feeling of volume/deepness..

and i was really funny to do.

my first try with airbrush mask, toothbrush for the stars..

could be better, but i'm quite ok with my space representation :D

the glowing effect had been done, by using a blue led wit a microswitch, and a 15k resistor mounted in serial

Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene

then the paint.

inspiration was of course Mike McVey, who else (nespresso copyright) !!!!

the red one in white dwarf was my goal, it always has been my reference, the painting level of my dream..

the first three try below, and the reference red termi

Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene

i begin to apply a black undercoat and then, with a zenithal effect, and always with airbrush, i apply a coat of mixed blood red/scab red..

then i begin the highlighting of the red, adding to my red some beige and yellow paint.

shadow zone receive a mix of my red and bestial brown..

i also apply my other colors on the mini, to get an idea of the general harmony

Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene

meanwhile i painted the hulk scene, using chipping and rust technics...

all is done acrylics..

i used mig jimenez products for chipping effect..

i also add a moon in the background, could be a little bit brighter :/

Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene

now the arms.

all is done in NMM, i'm quite lazy guy, and don't like to change my pot of water, because of metallic pigments..

i try, also, to reproduce the bubble effect done by mike..

Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene

mini's ^^

Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
Rogue Trader: Terminator Captain...behind the scene
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